Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Assignment 2 Wood Sculpture

(2/9/12) Here are my rough plans for the start of the wood sculpture. I added rough
measurements where an inch equals about a foot since it has to be as tall as me.
(2/9/12 - 2/14/12) I first drew out some of the larger shapes and made cuts with the jigsaw. Then the smaller shapes I was able to take over to the band saw and sander.

(2/14/12) I got some of the smaller parts cut out and I compared the sizes to make sure everything was going to fit together well.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Finished Sculpture 1

(2/9/12) It is finished! yay!

Different camera makes the color look drastically different

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Painting The Jalapeno

(2/7/12) Here is the finished pepper all painted and ready

(2/7/12) I put the pepper back on the cart with it's veggie sculpture buddies to chill
until it is time to be critiqued.

(2/7/12) I added a gloss coat on top of the paint. It gave the body of the pepper a very shiny look. I thought it was still wet at first and so I waited around a long time for it to finish drying.

(2/7/12) We painted our clay sculptures today. I used three different green paints and a mixture of different colors on the stem. The main color used most was from a can of Rust-oleum I bought. That green ended up looking a lot better than the krylon I originally thought I would use.  We put the sculptures up on cinder blocks and painted them outside. When I was done the cinder block kind of looked like it was growing a green moss.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


(2/2/12) My pepper changed color and shape. It seemed pretty rotten so I finally threw it out today. Goodbye loyal pepper! You will be missed.

(1/31/12)  We started learning all of the tools for our wood project. We cut out fish using the different tools to learn before we started our sculptures. I have almost no wood experience and the tools made me nervous the first day and I left a lot of space. I wanted to make sure I did everything right and safely.. after the first day my fish did not look too good.

(2/2/12) After the second day... and a lot of help... I finally finished my fish! Yay! It may not look like much but I was very happy to get it done because working in wood made me very nervous.  I was very grateful for all of the patient instruction I received.  I spent the rest of the day trying to finalize an idea for my wood sculpture.