Thursday, May 9, 2013

David Cole- The Music Box

I saw this video on youtube. Kind of Interesting.

He also made a giant knitting machine

Friday, May 3, 2013

Life Drawing

Dumped a bunch of life drawing images on a separate page.

Warning for Nudity

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Melting Cow

I uploaded some photos from the first attempt of mine to melt the chocolate cow.  I plan to melt another one this summer with a few modifications to the stand/setup.


 For my third project I did a kinetic type sculpture featuring gears.

This project was a bit of a challenge for me because the gears could not be even a millimeter off from one another or they would not spin.

 I originally had a much larger footprint in mind for my sculpture. the end result would use Cardan gears to create a motion in a vertical line to raise a puppets limbs up and down.

I later had to simplify my design to a more simple version that used a rounded motion.

The puppet was first cut out of thin plywood. I drilled holes and inserted hooks to act as the articulated joints where I wanted the puppet to have motion.

 I then used tin foil, paper, and masking tape to make a generalized three dimensional form.

I then used the paper mache method I had done with the dog head to add some detail. It was hard on such a small scale to get much detail but I was able to achieve a nose and ears and a good basic shape.

I painted the puppet with acrylics. It did not end up having eyes but it didnt bother me for some reason. 
 Here is a photo of him outside

The final sculpture did function. When the handle was turned the gears would spin and move the strings of the puppet which were attached to the wrists and knees of the puppet making him dance.

Here he is in my art supply stuffed car on the way to class. :P

Paintings update

Here is an update on my oil paintings
 I added the cat into this one. I also added some of the light colors into the wood and added some pink to the sky..
 I had trouble with this one as my gummy bears werent very transparent. I never ended up getting it to what I would consider a completed stage. The plastic bag was also a bit of a challenge.
For our final painting we did a figure painting of a live model. His hand is a bit awkward as he moved it a few times while painting. I also still need to work on the background but I am otherwise ok with this painting.

Completed Paper Mache Dog head

Here are some photos of the completed paper mache dog head. Some shots with candy and some without.