Friday, January 25, 2013


Finished my tempography for digital class.

It is meant to be captured moments in time (under 30 seconds) like a photograph. No sound.

silicone mold

Made the silicone mold by placing 3 tubes of 100% clear silicone over the cow
Made a clay wall along half of the cow so that we can start making the outer plaster mold now.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


For this project I decided to do a cow sculpture which I would be able to melt. It is sculpted out of clay but it will be made into either butter, chocolate, wax, ice, or something along those lines. The cow was originally going to be standing up but it would have been very hard to cast in a meltable material like butter and have it stand on its own feet during the melting so it is a laying down cow.

cow body blob. At this point I was just trying to get the cow to lay down right

I started adding legs and roughing out the body and neck

I added a head

I added some meat to the rear end

from the other side

I added ears and an utter

Fixed the brow line to look more bovine and started trying to fix up the face and smaller details
Here is the cow all wet before I put it away for the night.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sketchbook dump

I dumped a couple of pages from my sketchbook on here today. I am keeping it on a separate page from my sculpture stuff but I will sometimes link or reuse images between the two I think.
Here are a few of the images from sculpture class I have uploaded over there

Chair project idea

chair project building sheet

metal fab idea

sketch brainstorming

brainstorming page  for class

ideas for sculpture 1 wood project

Monday, January 7, 2013

Sculpture Studio Day 1

I started sculpture studio this semester. I should start posting more on here again now.