Monday, September 1, 2014

Updated photos

I took some new photos of two of my paintings. I also did a new layer of paint on the resin cow. I have been sick the last couple days so my progress has been slower than I like. My goal is to finish this resin piece tomorrow morning so that I can take final photographs.

Here's what I got out of today:

Friday, August 29, 2014

Painting my cow. Also Art Focus

I was mentioned in Art Focus September/October 2014. I thought I would post that here. :)

Also I thought I might as well post progress shots of the resin cow head. I started painting it to see how it would turn out.

I first used a white spray primer.
Then I air brushed brown and black acrylic to get into the lines.
Then I started painting with oils. Not sure if you are supposed to paint on Resin with oil but I figured I primed it and painted with acrylic, it was worth a shot.

Here are some photographs of my first oil layer. I plan to do at least one more layer of paint if this layer ever dries.  If this piece turns out I may do a series of them... more plans to follow.
Regardless I plan to cast some wax cows tonight or this weekend.
Before paint

with first layer of oil

first layer of oil

First layer of oil

First layer of oil


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Cow Head Progress

I got my mold completely finished and tested for my second round of larger cow heads. (larger than faux bovinae and meant to replace that piece)

The mold is made of Smooth On "Stroke" brush on silicone. The mother mold is plastipaste in three parts. I started this piece before the summer and finally got around to finishing the mother mold. It holds together fairly well. I was able to test the mold today using a decent amount of Smooth-On Smooth Cast 300 White Urethane Resin.  I made the mistake of trying to add more resin to the piece once the original resin had cured and got a bit of overlap. I went over the overlap with a rotary tool and was able to do some touch ups to get the piece closer to normal again.

I plan to cast a few wax ones Thursday and Friday for a melting piece. I might paint the resin one for fun and mount it as well.

Inside out cow head. The is the view inside the silicone mold
Resin next to clay

some demel work started

Resin Cow. Moo.
From Another Angle. My hand in there for size. Some Dremel work started.
Still a bit dirty from in the mold. Once touch ups are done it will be primed
and painted.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Cow then and now

Here is my final post of this painting for a couple months. Time to work on other stuff.

There is sunlight coming through on the left side window so the colors are a tiny bit off in this but it is close.


Friday, August 22, 2014

Light Switch Cover

I decided it was time for a change of pace and so I did a quick 2 day project. It was a lot of fun!

I made kitty light switch covers!! I thought they would be fun gifts for my cat loving friends.

Took some chevant clay and sculpted the design over switch plate

brush on silicone mold

Mother mold of plasti paste

After the mold is done

Filling with resin

Example of the finished wall piece.

The next thing I would like to do is prime and paint a few to see how that looks

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Digital porfolio

Working on adding work to a second blog for linking to examples.

It is still a work in progress..

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Summer Sculpture fun

Here is a progress dump of sculpture stuff from the end of the semester and into the summer.
Here is the cow head in oil clay. I showed this one in an earlier post.
It is larger than my previous cow heads and is meant to replace them.
With Brush on Silicone

Beginnings of mother mold. it will be 3 parts

Home made Chevant melting box so that I dont have to buy a
toaster oven. I am starting to work with hard chevant clay.

Melted Chevant on a screw

Bald mini chevant head on a screw
Looking like Sir Patric Stewart.  I think I will keep working
on him as such. Just practicing detail with the chevant on a
small scale.. no real plans for this.
Random shelf in my studio

Small clay model for my large foam dog I was working on.
It's raining foam!!- I want to continue with this project but it
is so messy!

Yep. Those are the highlights. Pretty simple. I have been doing more painting than sculpting this summer but I am playing with the chevant and finishing up the new cow heads.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Art Focus!

Here is another progress pic of my oil painting in progress... it's been slow and steady. I have been working on it here and there while getting some other work done this month. I added some detail to the water droplets on the cows nose today. :)
Previous Progress

New Progress

Water on the nose

ALSO! I had a photo of my work in Art Focus Magazine this month. You can see it Here

here is a photograph of it if the link doesn't work for anyone.

That made me pretty happy to see. :)

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Mixed media, encaustic Ben Hecht

I found this video with artist Ben Hecht talking about his work in encaustic mixed media.

It is very fun to watch.

Check out his website at:

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Summer Post 1

Graduation and summer have arrived. I graduated in May. I received the OVAC outstanding student award. You can read about it here.

It was a great honor to be chosen for the award and it made me very happy. I used some of the award money to purchase canvas, paints, an easel for my studio, and a black and decker matrix with router attachment.  It was a great way to end the school year.

I have been working on the small cow head. I will post in progress photographs of the mold making process soon. I thought today I would post some in progress photographs of my newest cow painting that I have been working on. It is still no where near completed as I took an extended break this June to move but now that my new studio is all set up I have begun work again on it.

So there are some various in progress shots of where I am and kind of my process this far. Most recently I had added green drool and worked on darkening the background a bit.

I will psot more Photos soon. Thanks for sticking with me through this absence! Glad to be back working. :)